The Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa is the "Crown Jewel" of San Francisco East Bay hotels.
Our blog covers the latest info on upcoming events in and around the hotel, our restaurants and spa.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Author John Peter Hagen Book Signing

The Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa, Project Second Chance and Effen Vodka are pleased to announce that the author John Peter Hagen will be available in the Duck Club Restaurant on Monday June 21, from 5:00-6:00 P.M., to sign and personalize his European best-selling and critically-acclaimed book "Play Away Please" at the preferred price of $20.00 before its release in the US. In recognition, the Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa will donate a portion of the proceeds from book sales to Project Second Chance. In addition, Effen Vodka will provide complimentary beverages during the signing session.